Sunday, February 23, 2020

Managed care creating pressure to do more with less Research Paper

Managed care creating pressure to do more with less - Research Paper Example This paper deals with the flaws and issues in the field of health care. The drawbacks and the strategies are also explained. The paper describes the need for improvement in health care and the ways in which managed care can be improved. Then the strategies are also listed with supporting arguments. Managed care was initially developed to reduce the burden of people who seek the medical attention. Medical expenses are increasing day by day and due to this people find it difficult to deal with their medical expenses. These problems led to a situation where managed care becomes an important matter of concern. (Pre 2009). Managed care mainly deals with strategies that aim at providing quality treatments at a better cost. Even employed people find it difficult to manage their medical issues and hence managed care is considered to be an important concept. The concept of managed care takes different dimensions depending on the situation and place where it is portrayed. Managed care is commonly known as the technique used to minimize the medical expenses there by providing quality health care treatments. The main aim of managed care is to reduce the burden of the patient with the help of medical insurance and financial institutions. This is achieved by mitigating the risk to the insur ance company from which a person avails his insurance. This in turn reduces the cost incurred to the patient and transfers the rest of the monetary operations to the concerned insurance firm. Managed care has certain limitations and ethical concerns which form the major part of managed care. These ethical concerns depend on the type of problem and the way in which managed care is perceived. In an organization which provides medical benefits to an employee relies on an insurance company that helps the organization to reimburse the employee’s medical expenditure. This certainly reduces and minimizes the expenses of the employee. But this may not prove to be beneficial in all the

Friday, February 7, 2020

English Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 6

English - Essay Example Even when I was small, I wanted to know how things worked, and I wanted to be the one to fix them. My mother told me that as a small child, other than my fits when I couldn’t get things back together the way they had come to me, that I was helpful and sweet. My greatest joy was sitting on the counter when she would wash the dishes, taking each dish carefully in my little hands and wiping it dry for her. When I was three, she began to give me chores, not because she felt that a three year old needed them, but because my older brother had chores and I felt left out when I wasn’t given a task. It was my job, supervised always, to feed the dogs, to sweep the small porch step out behind the house, and to wipe the keys of the piano that sat in our living room. Every week when I had done my chores, she would give me two coins to put in my little treasure box. I was able to buy my first bike with the coins from that box, or at least, my mother made me believe that I had paid for it. Because of these early years of work and accomplishment, I wanted to work in the world as soon as was possible. When I was seven, I went to my Dad’s friends local electronics store in the town and was fascinated with the variety of wonderful things that I would find there. I begged the manager to give me a job, and he would smile and tell me that I was too young to work for him. This did not dissuade me. I went back to the store frequently, and one day decided that I would help out enough that they would have to give me a job. I would sweep the floor, straighten the shelves, and direct the customers until the manager would finally tell me that I would have to leave. One day, though, he finally relented and allowed me to work for him. I straightened the papers on his desk and he gave me some money for my job. I began going every day after school and the manager would give me a little money at the end of the week. I am pretty sure that it was done